Source code for c3dp.gaugevol.gauge_volume

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

[docs]def span2angle(distance, distance_fr_sample, ): """ Parameters ---------- distance distance_fr_sample Returns ------- """ return (2 * (np.rad2deg(np.arctan(distance / (2 * distance_fr_sample)))))
[docs]def angle2span(Verticle_distance, angle): """ Parameters ---------- Verticle_distance angle Returns ------- """ return(2*Verticle_distance*np.tan(np.deg2rad(angle/2)))
[docs]def make_cylindrical_surface(channel_start_from_sample_center,angle, height, length_misalignment_offset=0., height_misalignment_offset=0. ): r""" create a cylinder which axis is along the vertical axis (z- axis) Parameters ---------- channel_start_from_sample_center : float Longitudinal coordinate of the collimator (radius of the cylinder). height : float Height of the collimator channel ( height of the cylinder). angle : degree angular size of collimator channel ( curvature of the cylinder) length_misalignment_offset : float misalignment offset along the cylinder radius height_misalignment_offset : float misalignment offset along the cylinder axis Returns ------- the list of the four points of the collimator channel's cylindrical opening """ x=channel_start_from_sample_center+length_misalignment_offset return [[x, -(x*np.deg2rad(angle/2.)) , ((height / 2.)+height_misalignment_offset)], [x, (x*np.deg2rad(angle/2.)), ((height / 2.)+height_misalignment_offset) ], [x, (x*np.deg2rad(angle/2.)), ((-height / 2.)+height_misalignment_offset)], [x, -(x*np.deg2rad(angle/2.)), ((-height / 2.)+height_misalignment_offset)]]
[docs]def make_square(x, size,length_misalignment_offset=0., misalignment_offset=0.): r""" create a square with the longitudinal coordinate and the height/width of the collimator . Parameters ---------- x : float Longitudinal coordinate of the collimator. size : float Height or width of the collimator (collimator is square). length_misalignment_offset : float misalignment offset along the cylinder radius misalignment_offset : float misalignment offset along the vertical and transversal axis Returns ------- the list of the four points of the collimator squared opening """ return [ [x+length_misalignment_offset, ((-size/2)+misalignment_offset), ((size/2)+misalignment_offset)], [x+length_misalignment_offset, ((size/2)+misalignment_offset), ((size/2)+misalignment_offset)], [x+length_misalignment_offset, ((size/2)+misalignment_offset), ((-size/2)+misalignment_offset)], [x+length_misalignment_offset, ((-size/2)+misalignment_offset), ((-size/2)+misalignment_offset) ]]
[docs]def rotation_around_z_axis(vector_point, rotation_angle): r""" create a vector point after rotating a vector around z axis in 3D space anticlockwise Parameters ---------- vector_point : list list of the three coordinates of a point rotation_angle : degree angle to rotate the vector. Returns ------- the array of the rotated vector consisting of three coordinates of the vector """ rotation_matrix=np.array([ [np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), -np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), 0 ], [ np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), 0 ] , [0. ,0. ,1.] ]) # vector_column=np.array(vector_point)[np.newaxis, :] vector_column = np.array(vector_point), vector_column) return (rotated_vector)
[docs]def rotation_around_y_axis(vector_point, rotation_angle): r""" create a vector point after rotating a vector around y axis in 3D space anticlockwise Parameters ---------- vector_point : list list of the three coordinates of a point rotation_angle : degree angle to rotate the vector. Returns ------- the array of the rotated vector consisting of three coordinates of the vector """ rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), 0, -np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle))], [0., 1., 0.], [np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), 0, np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)) ] ]) vector_column = np.array(vector_point)[np.newaxis, :] rotated_vector =, vector_column) return (rotated_vector)
[docs]def rotation_around_x_axis(vector_point, rotation_angle): r""" create a vector point after rotating a vector around x axis in 3D space anticlockwise Parameters ---------- vector_point : list list of the three coordinates of a point rotation_angle : degree angle to rotate the vector. Returns ------- the array of the rotated vector consisting of three coordinates of the vector """ rotation_matrix = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0, np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), -np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)) ], [0, np.sin(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)), np.cos(np.deg2rad(rotation_angle))], ]) vector_column = np.array(vector_point)[np.newaxis, :] rotated_vector =, vector_column) return (rotated_vector)
[docs]def non_center_channels(channel_at_center): r""" create a square with the longitudinal coordinate and the height/width of the collimator . Parameters ---------- x : float Longitudinal coordinate of the collimator. size : float Height or width of the collimator (collimator is square). Returns ------- the list of the four points of the collimator squared opening """
# rotation
[docs]def theta_phi(Collimator_square, sample_point): r""" Calculate the spherical coordinate( theta and phi) of the four points of the square collimator from the sample. Parameters ---------- Collimator_square : list List of the four points of the collimator openning cross-section . sample_point : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of three coordinates of the sample (x,y,z).T Returns ------- the tuple of theta, phi of the four points of the collimator squared opening where each element of the tuple is the array of theta/phi of four points of the collimator for a particular point of the sample """ p1,p2,p3,p4=Collimator_square points = np.array([sample_point-p1, sample_point-p2, sample_point-p3, sample_point-p4]) points=points.transpose(1,0,2) #shape: (pointsNum,4,3) theta = np.arctan2(points[:, :, 0],points[:, :, 1] ) norm_x_y=np.sqrt(points[:, :, 0]**2+points[:, :, 1]**2) phi = np.arctan2(norm_x_y, points[:, :, 2]) return theta, phi
[docs]def gauge_volume(square_theta_phy_sample, square_theta_phy_detector, sample_points_x_y): r""" Calculate the non-zero gauge volume for different positions of the sample. Parameters ---------- square_theta_phy_sample : tuple the tuple of theta, phi of the four points of the collimator squared opening at sample side where each element of the tuple is the array of theta/phi of four points of the collimator for a particular point of the sample. e.g. (array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4]), array([phi1, phi2, phi3, phi4])) square_theta_phy_detector : tuple the tuple of theta, phi of the four points of the collimator squared opening at detector side where each element of the tuple is the array of theta/phi of four points of the collimator for a particular point of the sample. e.g. (array([theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4]), array([phi1, phi2, phi3, phi4])) sample_points_x_y : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of two coordinates of the sample (x,y) Returns ------- the tuple of positions in the sample (array([y,z])) (where the gaauge volume is non-zero) , corresponding gauge volume (list) where the position of the sample is an array, i.e. (array([x,y])) """ gauge_volume=[] sample_points_x_nonZero=[] sample_points_y_nonZero = [] theta_phiS_arr = np.array(square_theta_phy_sample) #shape: (2, pointsNum, 4) theta_phiS = theta_phiS_arr.transpose(2, 1, 0).transpose(1, 0, 2) #shape: (pointsNum, 4,2) theta_phiS_list = theta_phiS.tolist() theta_phiD_array = np.array(square_theta_phy_detector).transpose(2,1,0).transpose(1,0,2) theta_phiD_list=theta_phiD_array.tolist() for i in range(theta_phiS.shape[0]): s=Polygon(theta_phiS_list[i]) d = Polygon(theta_phiD_list[i]) if s.intersects(d): gauge_volume.append(s.intersection(d).area / d.area) sample_points_x_nonZero.append(sample_points_x_y[0, i]) sample_points_y_nonZero.append(sample_points_x_y[1, i]) # gauge_volume.append(s.intersection(d).area/d.area) # sample_points_x_nonZero.append(sample_points_x_y[0,i]) # sample_points_y_nonZero.append(sample_points_x_y[1, i]) return (np.array([sample_points_x_nonZero, sample_points_y_nonZero]), gauge_volume)
[docs]def making_plot(sample_points_x_y_nonZero, gauge_volume, y_upper_imit, y_lower_limit, sample_height=10, sample_width=5.,min_color=None, max_color = None ): r""" Saved the contour of the gauge volume in different positions of the sample in "Figure directory". Parameters ---------- sample_points_x_y_nonZero : :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of two coordinates of the sample (x,y) points where gauge volume is non-zero gauge_volume : list list of the non zero gauge volumes of different positions of the sample y_upper_imit : float the upper limit of Y-axis for the plotting view y_lower_imit : float the lower limit of Y-axis for the plotting view """ if sample_points_x_y_nonZero.size==0: raise IOError ("the array does not have a non zero gauge volume") xS, yS=sample_points_x_y_nonZero X,Y= np.meshgrid(xS,yS) gauge_volume=np.array(gauge_volume) Z = griddata((xS,yS), gauge_volume, (X,Y), method='nearest') plt.figure() # r=plt.contour( X, Y,Z) # plt.clabel(r, inline=1, fontsize=10) plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z, cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow'),vmin=min_color, vmax=max_color) plt.xlabel('points along sample width (mm)') plt.ylabel('points along sample height (mm)') plt.ylim(y_lower_limit,y_upper_imit) plt.colorbar() plt.axhline(y=-sample_height/2., color='r', linestyle='-') plt.axhline(y=sample_height/2., color='r', linestyle='-') plt.axvline(x=- sample_width/2., color='r', linestyle='-') plt.axvline(x= sample_width/2., color='r', linestyle='-') # plt.scatter(xS,yS ,marker = 'o', c = 'b', s = 5, zorder = 10) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(thisdir, '../figures/{sample}.png'.format(sample='gauge_volume')))