scattering_kernal_program : Creating the template for scattering kernel

c3dp.instruments.scatkernel.scattering_kernal_program.makeSKXML(kernel_type, path_ToSave_ScatteringKernel, scatterer_type_name, scatterer=None, absorption=0, scattering=1, transmission=3, Dd_over_d=1e-05, DebyeWaller_factor=1, E=None, S_Q_E=None, Qmin=None, Qmax=None)[source]

making scattering kernel xml file

kernel_type: string

if the ‘elastic or inelastic’ kernel to specify

scatterer: string

peaks location of the scatterer


path where the scattering kernel file would be saved

scatterer_type_name: string

name of the scatterer type (sample/ cell)

absorption: int

weight for absorption

transmission: int

weight for transmission

Dd_over_d: float

d spacing resolution in Angstrom

DebyeWaller_factor: int

Debye Waller factor